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general notices中文是什么意思

用"general notices"造句"general notices"怎么读"general notices" in a sentence


  • (药典)凡例
  • 通告集


  • Responsible for communicating with employees by way of the open door policy , general notices , periodical employee meetings , and responding to employee concerns and suggestions
  • 13 . 1 tdc may give notice to you by means of a general notice on tdclink , or by ordinary mail to your address , by facsimile to your facsimile number or by electronic mail to your electronic mail address on tdc s record
    通知13 . 1贸发局向阁下发出通知的方式可以是在贸发灵上登出一则一般通知,或将通知以普通邮件寄往阁下的地址、按阁下的传真号码发出传真或按贸发局记录的阁下的电子邮件地址发出电邮。
用"general notices"造句  
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